It's my favourite recipe again... And it's the time of the year where I look back and make my new year resolution. With chocolate chip cookies!

Last year's resolution was to forgive. I DID IT. I found perfection in imperfection and learning to let go was one of the most difficult things that I had to do. I've accomplished much for baking, I've learnt to love so much more and to all those who completed my 2011, I can't thank you enough for accepting me and letting me into your life.

This year's resolution is to learn to love myself more. I'm not perfect, because I don't have to be. Instead of trying to prove myself, I'm learning to live for myself. As much as I've let go, I also realised that in the process, I forgot what it was like to hold on to what truly matters. It's scary when I let myself be defined by material gains. Because at the end of the day, those aren't what makes me truly happy. University showed me many amazing people, and I've been inspired in countless ways. Stories shared awakened emotions, reminding me that somewhere not so deep within, I was still that girl that I've always wanted to be but never dared to be.

So this year, I'll be that girl. And I'll continue to inspire. Because we've only got one life, it's time to make it count.

As I usher in this year, I've made some mistakes. Mistakes that had to be made, that opened up my heart to what I couldn't see with my eyes. This time, I don't want to make a mistake again. Too important, therefore I am too afraid. Don't want to be lost again without my pillar of strength and inspiration.

On a side note, I hope this happens!:

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