Chocolate Coffee Mousse Cake

Recently, there's just been this influx of ideas flooding into my head. Tough, especially since I'm supposed to be focusing on the upcoming common tests!

Hm but in any case, I made this cake sort of on impulse, with no purpose in mind. Figured I'll just deal with the cake when it's done.

There's 2 of them cause they're really small, serves 1. I didn't use any cake moulds, I simply cut out the circular layers of sponge cake from 1 long rectangular cake, using a cup to create the impression. Improvised! The layers of mousse was initially meant to be chocolate but I added too much of the coffee powder, and somehow it became coffee. And I added kitkat bits in the bottom mousse layer. (Not a good idea, cause they go soft... Sheesh,)

These are the layers... A bit untidy but hey they tasted really really good! Almost store bought tasty. Oh and rum was added to the sponge layers (brush it with rum and sugar syrup, it tastes much better). Next time, nuts would be good. And I'll make the layers more tidy. Wish I had the appropriate equipment though...

And one of it went to Limei's 18th birthday buffet! Eating cake with chopsticks is so romantic. The other got swallowed during a mugging session, as we sit and grow fat, with notes in hand.

Finally, I'm very proud to announce that I can make mousse cakes now! Or rather, I finally understood how mousse works, and hence I know how to manipulate it to my advantage. As they put it, Fiona UP LEVEL already!

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